Absent Children ... If your child is absent from school please contact the school office to advise or alternatively send in a written note to the class teacher.
Early Departures ... Parents and or carers sign students out at the front office. The student will be called from the classroom and meet you in the front office.
Late Arrivals ... Students who arrive at school after the bell must go to the School office to get a late pass.
Medication ... If your child requires medication at school, please refer to tab FOR PARENTS go down to MEDICAL FORMS for the information and forms which are required.
Sick Children ... We will contact parents or carers if your child is sick or injured at school. Sick children will be sent home as we are not able to cater for unwell children at school.
School Records ... Please inform us of any change in information we have on record; contact phone numbers, address etc. This can be done through the Parent Portal. If you need your password re-set please contact the office.
School Transfers ... If your child is to move to another school early advice would be appreciated so that student transfer forms and reports can be arranged. Please contact the office regarding this.
Student Property ... All items of property belonging to the children should be clearly marked with your child’s full name. All unmarked items of lost property are placed in the lost property box, located in the office. Items unclaimed at the end of each term may be donated to charity.
Visitors ... All visitors to the school (including parents, carers, volunteers) are to report to the school office to sign in before proceeding to classrooms or to the playground as a matter of workplace, health and safety.